First, I must say that I do not believe a single word that comes out of Mr. Obama's Mouth. With that said I want to highlight a couple of things that he said in his press conference today.
He believes that Democrats and Republicans will reach an agreement on reasonable spending cuts and end tax cuts to the super wealthy and flourishing oil companies, avoiding a looming and potentially catastrophic American default on it's debt.
It is obvious that Mr. Obama and the liberal party do not want a recovery, they want Americans to be slaves to "big government". What are reasonable spending cuts? Mr Obama has not made a list of acceptable cuts nor a plan to turn around this dismal economy. Yet, he wants to blame Republicans for trying to hurt middle and lower class families. What is happening to them right now under his administration? Jobs are being lost and more and more people are holding their hands out to the government because they have no recourse. Tax the super rich, the ones who create the jobs. Not just by employing people but through their buying habits. They go to restaurants where people are employed, they buy cars form companies that have employees. They travel to destinations that require workers to provide a service. They invest their money into the economy and that is what allows the so called lower and middle class to have jobs. Go ahead and take away some of that money and see what happens. The rich will not lose their riches, they will simply slow sown on some of the things they do in order to hold onto their wealth. Then who gets hurt? Us the little people that Mr. Obama and the democrats are always saying they fight for. What? Do your thing Dem's and more people will be hurt.
Next, Why does Mr. Obama think that oil companies are flourishing? Is it because they make such gross profits? their profit margin is a mere 8% and that is before they pay for research and development. If Obama wants to really help the economy, he would open the gulf back up to our drilling instead of the South Americans and Chinese. Also, there are rich oil reserves in our own country that continue to go untapped because of the cry of environmentalists(wackos).
Get a grip America, The progressive movement is out to destroy this country and all that we have stood for. Capitalism, freedom, and pursuit of happiness.
Mr. Obama also said, "Call me naive but I expect leaders to lead." When has he ever lead? He is always trying to ride in at the last minute to save the day. He is a follower, not a leader. He has never had any experience in business, nor did he study economics in school. Except Keynesian economics which have been proven to fail over and over again. You cannot spend your way out of a crisis.
Lead by example Mr. Obama,stop using tax payer dollars for your wife and children to go on lavish trips. $800,000 the last time. Stop using tax dollars for your czar positions that have not had to be approved by congress. Unfortunately your leadership example is to give your cronies authority to destroy i.e. EPA sets new regulations on coal causing many electric companies to shut down coal plants, or re-tool at very high costs so they will meet new emissions standards. These standards are all because of your belief in global warming, which has been debunked. Who is going to pay for that? We the people!
America, do you want revolution? I hope it does not go that far. We need a common sense approach to solving these problems and we are not getting this from the current government. We need true conservatives to take up the fight and we need to get rid of this president and the progressive democrats and republicans who are in congress right now.
God Bless America.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
CBO Not Being Truthful About Debt
From Americans For Limited Government:
"CBO's Fuzzy Math
By Bill Wilson
On July 22, the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) issued its latest long-term projections on the growth of the national debt. Astonishingly, as bad as the numbers issued by the CBO were, the debt crisis the nation faces is even worse than we are being told.
The CBO analysis does not take into account the full $14.344 trillion national debt, nor does it reflect the $430 billion in gross interest payments we are paying every year.
Instead it only considers the $9.7 trillion 'debt held by the public'. That was cited by the CBO. What was not was the $4.6 trillion of debt owed to the Medicare and Social Security trust funds. Interest is owed to those programs similarly is not included.
These are real liabilities that the American people are expected to honor, and do honor under CBO's analysis. But because they are not revealed until 2024 and 2036, when the trust funds are fully exhausted, even the dire scenarios that are presented to the American people are actually rosy.
Why would the CBO leave this out of their analysis? Ostensibly, economists would counter that it's just money owed to ourselves, and not a share of debt held publicly. That, those obligations might be repudiated. So they shouldn't be counted until they come due."
How much longer are we going to allow the government to lie, making false claims about the problems we have with the budget and future of our nation? Too many people believe that The CBO is a non-partisan group, when in reality they are doing the bidding of the President. Mr. Obama believes that we can spend our way into prosperity. He wants us to increase the debt limit along with many of the democrats and a few of the republicans. Let me ask you a question. If you were in trouble with your finances would it be wise to get another line of credit to extend your buying power? No that would not make any sense. Yet, we are being told that if we go beyond the debt limit we will go into default. Well, what do we think is going to happen if we continue to add to that debt? Will we ever be solvent again. The "buck" must stop here or our children and their children, and so on, will not have a prayer of a chance at opportunity of freedom.
Wake up America and let your congressmen and senators know that raising the debt ceiling is not an option. We must cut spending PERIOD!
The OneX Opportunity
I was recently told of this very unique and powerful way to earn an income from home. So I decided to check it out.
Since I have tried so many other work at home programs I was sure this would be another bust. However, when I found that the only investment in this is a one time $5.00 I thought what the heck I'll give it a try.
What a great choice. Since I joined some 500 people have joined after me and I think I will actually make money at this one.
If you are needing to add some income to your current situation five dollars is not a lot to invest to make as much as $99,000. Go to and give it a try.
Since I have tried so many other work at home programs I was sure this would be another bust. However, when I found that the only investment in this is a one time $5.00 I thought what the heck I'll give it a try.
What a great choice. Since I joined some 500 people have joined after me and I think I will actually make money at this one.
If you are needing to add some income to your current situation five dollars is not a lot to invest to make as much as $99,000. Go to and give it a try.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The Monkey In The Room-Abortion
Many people believe that the fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats is the abortion issue. I would like to address this issue. First I am not for abortion, I think it is wrong and very harmful. Not only to the life that is taken away, but also to the woman who goes through with the act.
I Have counseled several women who have gone through this and here from them, "I cannot live with this choice it hurts so bad." "God will never forgive me." I tell them that God will always forgive because He loves them even when they make bad choices.
Back to the issue. You cannot legislate morality, no matter how hard you try you cannot force people to make choices of this type based on Law. They will always rebel when they feel they have no options. If a woman wants to have an abortion she will do it because she has the "right" under the current law. Unfortunately, many people who call themselves "christian" then look down on them and condemn them for that choice. Stop that!! We need to love these women and help them to overcome the psychological issues they will face after.
As for the law, I think we should overturn Roe v. Wade and stop federally funding abortions. Leave the issue to the individual states where the power is supposed to exist under the constitution. When we de-fund abortion many of the women who go tho planned parenthood will then begin to think about their choice because my tax dollars will not be paying for their abortions. I know this sounds harsh, but this will give women a chance to see both sides of the issue instead of rushing into the "choice" and suffering needlessly afterward.
Abortion is the supposed easy way out but it truly leaves lasting scares. Many, maybe all of these children would have been adopted or accepted and never got that chance. Let's stop using this a political tool for the parties and get back to common sense and moral absolutes.
I Have counseled several women who have gone through this and here from them, "I cannot live with this choice it hurts so bad." "God will never forgive me." I tell them that God will always forgive because He loves them even when they make bad choices.
Back to the issue. You cannot legislate morality, no matter how hard you try you cannot force people to make choices of this type based on Law. They will always rebel when they feel they have no options. If a woman wants to have an abortion she will do it because she has the "right" under the current law. Unfortunately, many people who call themselves "christian" then look down on them and condemn them for that choice. Stop that!! We need to love these women and help them to overcome the psychological issues they will face after.
As for the law, I think we should overturn Roe v. Wade and stop federally funding abortions. Leave the issue to the individual states where the power is supposed to exist under the constitution. When we de-fund abortion many of the women who go tho planned parenthood will then begin to think about their choice because my tax dollars will not be paying for their abortions. I know this sounds harsh, but this will give women a chance to see both sides of the issue instead of rushing into the "choice" and suffering needlessly afterward.
Abortion is the supposed easy way out but it truly leaves lasting scares. Many, maybe all of these children would have been adopted or accepted and never got that chance. Let's stop using this a political tool for the parties and get back to common sense and moral absolutes.
Friday, June 24, 2011
30 million barrels from the Strategic Petro Reserve
Hot off the email line from Heritage Foundation
President Obama and the IEA first explained this irresponsible action by noting a supply disruption as a result of the war in Libya. However, this disruption does not justify the depletion of the SPR, and the Administration doesn't have the legal rationale, either. The White House slightly changed its tune late yesterday when Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters it was meant as protection against increasing gas prices over the summer driving season."
Does anybody think this is going to have an affect for a long period of time. the only thing this will do is reduce the amount of reserve we have when there is a real emaergency. I think this is a ploy on the part of Mr. Obama to make his poll ratings go up for the summer and he can say look what I did for you. Just like "I shot Osama Bin Laden."
Why are we not taalking seriously about drilling in the Bakkens and other oil reserves in our own nation? Duh! It is the environmentalists who fight for mother earth. It is okay if other countries drill, even in the Gulf Of Mexico, but not us. We must take the "moral" high road and save the planet. Damn the human population, they are the ones who destroyed it in the first place,, let them do without.
Well I say enough. We cannot replace oil with electric if we are closing power plants.(see my earlier post) Solar and Wind make up less than 8% of the current energy production and is projected to only reach a maximum of 25%. How will we recharge our electrric cars. We will not make up the short fall of demand by releasing a few barrels for the STR. We are being dupped by this administration because they believe we are stupid enough to fall for thier "truth" which is a lie. Many of the current Republicans are just as bad as Democrats because they believe thay have the power to rule over us.
Are we sheep or are we Americans. Take a stand an fight the Elitists in government. Let's take back our Nation the land of the free and the home of the brave, where opportunity abounds and people can still make something of thier lives.
God Bless America!!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Another Bailout
The EU is looking into giving Greece another bailout of at least 157 billion dollars. The US is right in the mix with Mr. Obama saying that is is necessary to maintain the stability of world markets. but , I ask, How can we continue to bail out other countries when our economy is in such a disaster? Wouldn't we be better off serving our own people first? We need more jobs, lower gas prices, both we can get by simply drilling in our own country. We keep throwing more and more money into the pot and expect things to get better if we are not doing the first things first.
The thing I see in all of this is a push into a one world monetary system. You see the more countries that get bailouts the more countries that have to participate until every country is in the same situation and the world economy collapses. Then the ruling class in the world will roll out the single world monetary unit and there you have it . The next step is one world government.
I say we should stand and fight if we want to hold to our nations sovereignty and keep our freedoms.
What do you say?
The thing I see in all of this is a push into a one world monetary system. You see the more countries that get bailouts the more countries that have to participate until every country is in the same situation and the world economy collapses. Then the ruling class in the world will roll out the single world monetary unit and there you have it . The next step is one world government.
I say we should stand and fight if we want to hold to our nations sovereignty and keep our freedoms.
What do you say?
Friday, June 17, 2011
What is Wrong With Some of These Democrats
From CNSNews.
I don't understand why this crazy congress woman would say something like this. Yes there have been some things that have happened in our world that were attributed to Christians that were not at all Christ Like. But true believers are loving and caring people who want what is best for everyone around them.
I am tired of being lumped into a category that people like Sheila Jackson-Lee won't take time to get to know. She is a hater and wants to target all who call themselves Christians even when there is no evidence at all that Christians are terrorists. On the other hand, she wants to give a free ride to the Muslim world, in the name of political correctness? What a useless and tactless attitude she has.
Ms. Lee if you want to get to know real Christians then go search the truth of the Bible as Jesus taught it and as many of His followers live it. Don't look at those who bomb abortion clinics for your truth, those types of people are not Christians at all.
Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’
I don't understand why this crazy congress woman would say something like this. Yes there have been some things that have happened in our world that were attributed to Christians that were not at all Christ Like. But true believers are loving and caring people who want what is best for everyone around them.
I am tired of being lumped into a category that people like Sheila Jackson-Lee won't take time to get to know. She is a hater and wants to target all who call themselves Christians even when there is no evidence at all that Christians are terrorists. On the other hand, she wants to give a free ride to the Muslim world, in the name of political correctness? What a useless and tactless attitude she has.
Ms. Lee if you want to get to know real Christians then go search the truth of the Bible as Jesus taught it and as many of His followers live it. Don't look at those who bomb abortion clinics for your truth, those types of people are not Christians at all.
Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’
Thursday, June 16, 2011
By Michael W. Chapman
By Michael W. Chapman
( – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”
In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.
Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”
Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”
Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not -- your distinction is not answering the question.”
The hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons was held on Wednesday by the House Homeland Security Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.)."
I weep for people who are in the darkness such as Ms. Lee and I wish she would come to the light of truth, and not claim to be enlightened by elitist higher education. what a crock of crap she believes.
True Christians militants do not want to bring down the country, we simply want to establish the truth of Jesus' Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.
Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”
Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”
Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation. And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not -- your distinction is not answering the question.”
The hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons was held on Wednesday by the House Homeland Security Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.)."
I weep for people who are in the darkness such as Ms. Lee and I wish she would come to the light of truth, and not claim to be enlightened by elitist higher education. what a crock of crap she believes.
True Christians militants do not want to bring down the country, we simply want to establish the truth of Jesus' Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Land of the Free
I just read an article from the UK Daily Mail. It ranks states by the freedoms that the citizens have. California and New York are the worst. While New Hampshire, Indiana, and South Carolina are ranked at the top. the thing that hit me though is the state That I live in is ranked toward the bottom.
Ohio is a state that has so many regulations that infringe upon individual rights. Why are we treated like we cannot make a common sense decision on our own? The Federal government is bad enough without the state adding more items to the list.
What has happened to Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as well as personal responsibility?
Ohio is a state that has so many regulations that infringe upon individual rights. Why are we treated like we cannot make a common sense decision on our own? The Federal government is bad enough without the state adding more items to the list.
What has happened to Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as well as personal responsibility?
Does Anybody Know The Truth
I was speaking to a guy at work yesterday and he told me that he lost a $65,000 a year job because GW Bush raised taxes and the company closed up and moved to Mexico. What? As I recall GW lowered taxes, Didn't He? Or was that a lie?
Tax policies that are hurting companies and people are caused by Democrats who have been writing tax code for a long time. an oppressive tax system that is so confusing creates problems for everyone. Why can't we simplify the tax code?
a flat tax or Fair tax would change the way companies view their future opportunities and allow for the American people to spend their money the way they think it should be spent. However, we have a government that is not really for the people. They are actually for themselves. they want to control every aspect of our lives. George W. was a good president but not a great one. He was in fact more progressive than conservative which means he did favor bigger government, but he also had some restraint. He did listen to the people on a lot of issues, but when it came to the House and Senate being controlled by Democrats, I think he just felt like he could not win and decided to allow the lack of oversight in the housing and financial arenas. this led to TARP and the Obama bailouts.
Companies have always looked for ways to protect the profit so they can stay in business and create jobs, but when things get out of hand you can't blame them for moving if things are more profitable somewhere else.
We need to reeducate the masses with the truth instead of allowing the lame stream media to continue to tell lies.
Tax policies that are hurting companies and people are caused by Democrats who have been writing tax code for a long time. an oppressive tax system that is so confusing creates problems for everyone. Why can't we simplify the tax code?
a flat tax or Fair tax would change the way companies view their future opportunities and allow for the American people to spend their money the way they think it should be spent. However, we have a government that is not really for the people. They are actually for themselves. they want to control every aspect of our lives. George W. was a good president but not a great one. He was in fact more progressive than conservative which means he did favor bigger government, but he also had some restraint. He did listen to the people on a lot of issues, but when it came to the House and Senate being controlled by Democrats, I think he just felt like he could not win and decided to allow the lack of oversight in the housing and financial arenas. this led to TARP and the Obama bailouts.
Companies have always looked for ways to protect the profit so they can stay in business and create jobs, but when things get out of hand you can't blame them for moving if things are more profitable somewhere else.
We need to reeducate the masses with the truth instead of allowing the lame stream media to continue to tell lies.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
The Republican Debate
I didn't get to watch the debate on Monday night, but I have heard a lot of commentary. The winner was this one or that one really came on strong. Michelle B. announced that she was running for president.
All this seems, on the surface to be very nice. However, the venue and the Network did not allow for the candidates to answer any really tough questions.
Mr. Cain, would you chose thick or thin crust? Mr Romney, if you order wings do you want them hot or mild? Ms. Bachman, do you like Elvis or Johnny Cash? I know that some people want the republicans to be soft and wimpy, but I prefer to have a candidate that will tear into the issues that are ripping apart our country. The economy and the role that President Obama has played in it's destruction. Illegals who get free health care and free education and don't pay taxes. The wars in Libya and Yemen and why we should not be involved. Obama Care that will tear apart the very fabric of good health care. High gas prices that can be brought down if we just simply drill here and drill now. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, and the fact that Mr. Obama has not brought us back to any form of growth in our economy.
Where is the backbone and guts we need to lead us to an awakening of the American Dream? We need a Leader not a Politician who thinks he looks good to the voters. Give us something to grab hold of, a little hope that things are going to be fixed and the dream of this once great nation will again be within the grasp of anyone who wants to reach for it. Or should we just consider the idea that we need to move away to another country where all of the jobs have gone. It is time to stand up for truth and throw out the progressives who want to change this to a ruling class/slave class society, because quite frankly I do not want to be a slave.
All this seems, on the surface to be very nice. However, the venue and the Network did not allow for the candidates to answer any really tough questions.
Mr. Cain, would you chose thick or thin crust? Mr Romney, if you order wings do you want them hot or mild? Ms. Bachman, do you like Elvis or Johnny Cash? I know that some people want the republicans to be soft and wimpy, but I prefer to have a candidate that will tear into the issues that are ripping apart our country. The economy and the role that President Obama has played in it's destruction. Illegals who get free health care and free education and don't pay taxes. The wars in Libya and Yemen and why we should not be involved. Obama Care that will tear apart the very fabric of good health care. High gas prices that can be brought down if we just simply drill here and drill now. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, and the fact that Mr. Obama has not brought us back to any form of growth in our economy.
Where is the backbone and guts we need to lead us to an awakening of the American Dream? We need a Leader not a Politician who thinks he looks good to the voters. Give us something to grab hold of, a little hope that things are going to be fixed and the dream of this once great nation will again be within the grasp of anyone who wants to reach for it. Or should we just consider the idea that we need to move away to another country where all of the jobs have gone. It is time to stand up for truth and throw out the progressives who want to change this to a ruling class/slave class society, because quite frankly I do not want to be a slave.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
The Way of Destruction
This is a personal thought that I have been having today.
In Matthew Chapter 7, Jesus is still giving His sermon telling the people what the kingdom of God looks like. He says, " In everything treat people the way you want them to treat you...." Then as He goes on he says something that would have raised eyebrows in that time. "Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few that find it. So beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
How appropriate are these words for today? So many people have jumped on the band wagon of things like "global warming", the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels, big government, labor unions, and many other ideas that are leading our nation down the broad or wide path to destruction. Now before you get all upset with me allow me a chance to explain.
First, I agree that we have a responsibility to take care of this earth. After all it is the only one we have. However, when we decide that man made global warming is so devastating to the future of this planet and we must reduce carbon emissions, then we have a lot of sheep following the "leader" to destruction. God created this earth and gave man dominion over it. This does not mean he can destroy it, he doesn't have the ability. Stop for a minute and think about this, solar and wind energy make up less than 2% of our current need. Experts also say that the technology is several years away that will allow it to produce more than tha amount. Now the federal government and the EPA have put rules into place that have changed the rules on coal fired power plants, and AEP, an energy provider in Ohio and West Virginia is closing 5 production facilities and 600 people are losing their jobs. Is this not leading this nation to destruction?
Second, While labor unions have had their place in helping the workers get better pay and benefits, they have now come to the point where they use membership dues to fund liberal-progressive government ideas that continue to devastate our nation. When public employees, who are paid by taxpayers, start making more and more demands that cause the taxpayers to revolt, we know there is a problem. Most of the people in the unions, I believe, are good people. they are simply pawns in the big game and being used. When the Obama administration gives billions to labor unions for bailouts and then gives them waivers on the health care, there has to be a problem.
Now we are expected to just sit back and take whatever the government wants to do with our money. Well I say that I will not be lead down the side path that leads to destruction. I will chose the narrow way of Jesus Christ and allow Him to lead me to Life.
We have a choice, We can turn our hearts back to God the creator of all things and humble ourselves before Him. This will lead to a renewal of this great nation and a great people . but, if we continue down the wide path, this nation is destined to fail, and I believe this is exactly what The enemies of God want.
There are some many more examples of this destructive behavior but for now it is time to "Wake up Church, and wake up America."
In Matthew Chapter 7, Jesus is still giving His sermon telling the people what the kingdom of God looks like. He says, " In everything treat people the way you want them to treat you...." Then as He goes on he says something that would have raised eyebrows in that time. "Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few that find it. So beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
How appropriate are these words for today? So many people have jumped on the band wagon of things like "global warming", the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels, big government, labor unions, and many other ideas that are leading our nation down the broad or wide path to destruction. Now before you get all upset with me allow me a chance to explain.
First, I agree that we have a responsibility to take care of this earth. After all it is the only one we have. However, when we decide that man made global warming is so devastating to the future of this planet and we must reduce carbon emissions, then we have a lot of sheep following the "leader" to destruction. God created this earth and gave man dominion over it. This does not mean he can destroy it, he doesn't have the ability. Stop for a minute and think about this, solar and wind energy make up less than 2% of our current need. Experts also say that the technology is several years away that will allow it to produce more than tha amount. Now the federal government and the EPA have put rules into place that have changed the rules on coal fired power plants, and AEP, an energy provider in Ohio and West Virginia is closing 5 production facilities and 600 people are losing their jobs. Is this not leading this nation to destruction?
Second, While labor unions have had their place in helping the workers get better pay and benefits, they have now come to the point where they use membership dues to fund liberal-progressive government ideas that continue to devastate our nation. When public employees, who are paid by taxpayers, start making more and more demands that cause the taxpayers to revolt, we know there is a problem. Most of the people in the unions, I believe, are good people. they are simply pawns in the big game and being used. When the Obama administration gives billions to labor unions for bailouts and then gives them waivers on the health care, there has to be a problem.
Now we are expected to just sit back and take whatever the government wants to do with our money. Well I say that I will not be lead down the side path that leads to destruction. I will chose the narrow way of Jesus Christ and allow Him to lead me to Life.
We have a choice, We can turn our hearts back to God the creator of all things and humble ourselves before Him. This will lead to a renewal of this great nation and a great people . but, if we continue down the wide path, this nation is destined to fail, and I believe this is exactly what The enemies of God want.
There are some many more examples of this destructive behavior but for now it is time to "Wake up Church, and wake up America."
Saturday, June 11, 2011
EPA Tactics of Destruction
I received this in an email and it is truly disturbing. Our Freedoms are under attack as well as our financial futures.
"This is truly Obama's EPA. This was his stated agenda before he was elected president. Should we be surprised that he is taking this action against the American people now?
Cybercast News Service, by Susan Jones Original Article |
Posted By: KarenJ1- 6/10/2011 9:49:25 AM Post Reply |
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, the former governor of coal-producing West Virginia, is blasting the Obama administration for using the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate coal-fueled power plants out of business. On Thursday, American Electric Power company announced that to comply with a series of EPA regulations, it will close five coal-fired plants -- three in West Virginia and one each in Ohio and Virginia -- at a net cost of 600 jobs. American Electric Power is one of the largest electric utilities in the United States, delivering electricity to more than 5 million customers in 11 states. " How can we stop this? First we must let our representatives know that we are aware and we want this to stop. Second, we must make sure Obama does not get re-elected! |
Friday, June 10, 2011
Government Waste
I got this from a website that is posted by Heritage.Org.---
2.6 million dollars was spent from the stimulus to teach Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job.
1125 US Postal workers are given specific intructions to do absolutly nothing every day costing 50 million annually.
25 billion dollars are spenmt each to maintain vacant and unused federal properties each year.
123 billion dollars are spent by the Government every year on programs that help no one at all.
The 2009 stimulus package paid for Mascot costumes, eletric golf carts, and a Unuiversity study of how much alcohol freshman women required before agreeing to have sex.
I think we really need to send a strong message to our representatives that this wil no onger be acceptable practice.
2.6 million dollars was spent from the stimulus to teach Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job.
1125 US Postal workers are given specific intructions to do absolutly nothing every day costing 50 million annually.
25 billion dollars are spenmt each to maintain vacant and unused federal properties each year.
123 billion dollars are spent by the Government every year on programs that help no one at all.
The 2009 stimulus package paid for Mascot costumes, eletric golf carts, and a Unuiversity study of how much alcohol freshman women required before agreeing to have sex.
I think we really need to send a strong message to our representatives that this wil no onger be acceptable practice.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Doom of Our Freedom
From Reuters June 8, 2011
President Barack Obama on Tuesday urged European countries and bondholders to prevent a "disastrous" default by Greece and pledged U.S. support to help tackle the country's debt crisis.
Getty Images President Barack Obama |
After a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, he stressed the importance of German "leadership" on the issue - a hint that he expects Berlin to help - while expressing sympathy for the political difficulties European Union countries face in helping a struggling member state.
How can Mr. Obama think that we need to give more to Greece after they were already given, What was it? 160 billion dollars already. However, because the Government in Greece cannot get control of a society of takers, They now need more.
Is this the one thing we need to do to stabilize the world economy? Or should we consider the need to stand firm in our own resolve to fix the problems we have here. this nation is fast becoming a nation of "takers". the more the Government gives the more we want. When does it end? We cannot keep going in this direction and expect to survive. maybe that is exactly what Mr. Obama and his cronies want, a nation that is no longer the a leader in this world. We will become just like all the other nations that have been ruined by taking more from the "rich" and giving to the "poor". What can we expect if we allow this to continue? Is this the change we can hope for? A dead end life with no more opportunity to pull ourselves up and become something or someone of significance.
Wake up America before it is no longer called America the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
The talk of the town
With so much going on in the news today, it is hard to pick a subject to write about. So, I thought I would just give you my two cents worth about the state of our nation.
We are in deep trouble because there are not enough people who will think for themselves and use a little common sense. Politicians are fighting over how to fix the economy. Wow, as if this is such a hard thing. Take a look at the history of our economics. Every time we have reduced taxes and opened up more opportunity to free market solutions, we have seen growth. Every time we increase taxes and rely on the government our economy tanks. Think about for just a moment. Conservatives believe that the only way to create jobs is by allowing job creators some freedom to move in the direction they think is right, within the confines of law and public safety. Liberals believe we should raise the taxes of these job creators because it is not "fair' the amount of money they make off the peoples backs. Is it hard to understand what is going on here? I don't think so.
From the late 19th and early 20th centuries Progressives have tried to convince the people the more they trust the government the more they will get from government. Thus a welfare state. No more personal responsibility.
I believe that personal responsibility is the answer to the problems we face in our nation today. If people would become responsible for their own lives and the lives of their children, teaching them personal responsibility, we would see the rise of our nation back to it's glory. However, we have those who believe that people cannot take care of themselves nor can they make choices that will lead them to prosperity.
Even the Bible tells us that we have personal responsibility for working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. When people stop following the Biblical pattern, they always get on the wrong track. Now that our nation and it's public forum have attempted to remove God, the Bible is no longer looked to for guidance. Instead we look to the Elites in the education system and believe they know all the right answers.
We must stop being sheep led to the slaughter house and become the leaders that God has created us to be. If we could convince people to take a new approach then we would see less of these People in the news making bad choices that ultimately lead to their destruction.
God Bless.
We are in deep trouble because there are not enough people who will think for themselves and use a little common sense. Politicians are fighting over how to fix the economy. Wow, as if this is such a hard thing. Take a look at the history of our economics. Every time we have reduced taxes and opened up more opportunity to free market solutions, we have seen growth. Every time we increase taxes and rely on the government our economy tanks. Think about for just a moment. Conservatives believe that the only way to create jobs is by allowing job creators some freedom to move in the direction they think is right, within the confines of law and public safety. Liberals believe we should raise the taxes of these job creators because it is not "fair' the amount of money they make off the peoples backs. Is it hard to understand what is going on here? I don't think so.
From the late 19th and early 20th centuries Progressives have tried to convince the people the more they trust the government the more they will get from government. Thus a welfare state. No more personal responsibility.
I believe that personal responsibility is the answer to the problems we face in our nation today. If people would become responsible for their own lives and the lives of their children, teaching them personal responsibility, we would see the rise of our nation back to it's glory. However, we have those who believe that people cannot take care of themselves nor can they make choices that will lead them to prosperity.
Even the Bible tells us that we have personal responsibility for working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. When people stop following the Biblical pattern, they always get on the wrong track. Now that our nation and it's public forum have attempted to remove God, the Bible is no longer looked to for guidance. Instead we look to the Elites in the education system and believe they know all the right answers.
We must stop being sheep led to the slaughter house and become the leaders that God has created us to be. If we could convince people to take a new approach then we would see less of these People in the news making bad choices that ultimately lead to their destruction.
God Bless.
Monday, June 6, 2011
What is this costing taxpayers?
This article came to my email today and the truth is I am not at all suprised. The CBO is always to low in their cost estimates because it seems they are not at all a non-partisan group. They are more group that does eerything they can to make the president and liberal democrats look good. In the end it always back fires because everything this administration does is leading us to bankruptcy and destruction. If we do not change the course we are on, this nation will be a part of a massive one world government.
( – The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says the real cost of the federal government guaranteeing the business of failed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is $317 billion -- not the $130 billion normally claimed by the Obama administration.
In a report delivered to the House Budget Committee on June 2, the CBO said a “fair value” accounting of guaranteeing the two defunct mortgage companies – known as Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) – was more than twice as high as the Office of Management and Budget had accounted for. (For the full story go to
We cannot continue to throw money at this problem Keynsian economics have never worked and never will. How many of you think you can improve your personal finances by spending more money?
If you can't then how can the government?
( – The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) says the real cost of the federal government guaranteeing the business of failed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is $317 billion -- not the $130 billion normally claimed by the Obama administration.
In a report delivered to the House Budget Committee on June 2, the CBO said a “fair value” accounting of guaranteeing the two defunct mortgage companies – known as Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) – was more than twice as high as the Office of Management and Budget had accounted for. (For the full story go to
We cannot continue to throw money at this problem Keynsian economics have never worked and never will. How many of you think you can improve your personal finances by spending more money?
If you can't then how can the government?
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Are We Winning?
With everything rising in cost, how can the Obama Adminsitration continue to say that we are winning in the economic race? Unemployment stays around 9%.
Food prices are up; beef up43%, dairy up 60%. Everything is Up! I got this piece from Human Events and thought I would share it with you.
The Writing is on The Wall!
Bailouts, Potential Government Shutdown, QE1, QE2, Expanding Debt Limits.....
The Days of the U.S. Dollar....are Numbered!
We're on the Brink of A Total Collapse, Resulting in Hyper-Inflation Overnight!
Everything is on the Rise...AGAINST the U.S. Dollar.
The Federal Reserve & Treasury Department are stuck between a Rock and A Hard Place.
If they Raise Interest rates... the economy goes into a Tail Spin.
If they Stop Borrowing and Issuing Debt....The Monetary(Ponzie-Scheme) System Fails.
BUT, If they continue Down the Same path...
The Collapse of the U.S. Dollar is Imminent.
How Bad is it??
The Obama Administration has increased Debt, more than All Past Presidents Combined.
Much like any Balance Sheet, it all comes down to: "Debt to Equity" Ratio.
The Obama Administration is Running out of time AND Options.
Things are going to get Worse, before they can get Any Better.
* China is now a Seller of U.S. Treasury Bonds, in Over The Counter markets (OTC).
* The U.S. Dollar is Now hitting New Lows, Against ALL Major currencies.
* Social Security is Now Bleeding Red,this is the First year since inception.
* The IMF is now calling for the Replacement of the U.S. Dollar, as the World Reserve Currency.
* The FED's are Buying Back Unsold Bonds, at Every Treasury Bond Auction.
ALL the Signs of an Eminent Collapse are upon us.
U.S. Dollar denominated Investments, are at Risk of Total Collapse.
Recent Data reveals Most Americans will outlive their Savings, Due to Rising Cost of Living....
Educate Yourself, on what could be
"The Biggest Financial Catastrophe"America has ever seen.
How Bad is it getting?
The Federal Reserve Monetary Base (Money Supply) has increased 300% since August 2008.
The U.S. Banks Excess Reserves had a 49 year average of $.08 Billion Dollars,.. They are Now Holding approximately $1,455 Billion Dollars!
The Obama Administration has pledged to Release all of the above, in the Next Major Financial Debacle. ..Instant Inflation!
Don't believe it's possible?
*Food for thought: If Obama gave every American 1 Million Dollars.... Would we all be "Richer"?
The Answer is....No.
You would simply see more Dollars, chasing the same Amount of Goods... Instant Inflation.
What are we to do? Some say we need to but gold to assure our personal future. People did the same thing during the Great Depression and the Government confiscated all of it from the people. Do we think that this won't happen again?
Our only hope is "Trust in God". After all it is written on our money.
Food prices are up; beef up43%, dairy up 60%. Everything is Up! I got this piece from Human Events and thought I would share it with you.
The Writing is on The Wall!
Bailouts, Potential Government Shutdown, QE1, QE2, Expanding Debt Limits.....
The Days of the U.S. Dollar....are Numbered!
We're on the Brink of A Total Collapse, Resulting in Hyper-Inflation Overnight!
Everything is on the Rise...AGAINST the U.S. Dollar.
The Federal Reserve & Treasury Department are stuck between a Rock and A Hard Place.
If they Raise Interest rates... the economy goes into a Tail Spin.
If they Stop Borrowing and Issuing Debt....The Monetary(Ponzie-Scheme) System Fails.
BUT, If they continue Down the Same path...
The Collapse of the U.S. Dollar is Imminent.
How Bad is it??
The Obama Administration has increased Debt, more than All Past Presidents Combined.
Much like any Balance Sheet, it all comes down to: "Debt to Equity" Ratio.
The Obama Administration is Running out of time AND Options.
Things are going to get Worse, before they can get Any Better.
* China is now a Seller of U.S. Treasury Bonds, in Over The Counter markets (OTC).
* The U.S. Dollar is Now hitting New Lows, Against ALL Major currencies.
* Social Security is Now Bleeding Red,this is the First year since inception.
* The IMF is now calling for the Replacement of the U.S. Dollar, as the World Reserve Currency.
* The FED's are Buying Back Unsold Bonds, at Every Treasury Bond Auction.
ALL the Signs of an Eminent Collapse are upon us.
U.S. Dollar denominated Investments, are at Risk of Total Collapse.
Recent Data reveals Most Americans will outlive their Savings, Due to Rising Cost of Living....
Educate Yourself, on what could be
"The Biggest Financial Catastrophe"America has ever seen.
How Bad is it getting?
The Federal Reserve Monetary Base (Money Supply) has increased 300% since August 2008.
The U.S. Banks Excess Reserves had a 49 year average of $.08 Billion Dollars,.. They are Now Holding approximately $1,455 Billion Dollars!
The Obama Administration has pledged to Release all of the above, in the Next Major Financial Debacle. ..Instant Inflation!
Don't believe it's possible?
*Food for thought: If Obama gave every American 1 Million Dollars.... Would we all be "Richer"?
The Answer is....No.
You would simply see more Dollars, chasing the same Amount of Goods... Instant Inflation.
What are we to do? Some say we need to but gold to assure our personal future. People did the same thing during the Great Depression and the Government confiscated all of it from the people. Do we think that this won't happen again?
Our only hope is "Trust in God". After all it is written on our money.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Recent Survey
I recently participated in a survey done by This is an on going survey and so far more than 275,000 people have participated. In this poll 93% of the people say that gas prices are affecting thier personal economy, 83% believe President Obama can do something more to help reduce the price of gasoline, 91% disagree with Obama's desire to raise taxes on gasoline, and 82% say if the election were held today they would vote for someone other than Mr. Obama.
The demographics of this survey were not given but it seems to me that with so many responding this is a very powerful statement for conservatives. We must defeat Mr. Obama in the next election if we are to have any hope of recovering our status in the world.
Gasoline is one of the issues that is cousing problems with our economy. Please let me know how you feel. Are yuou struggling? Are you one of the millions who are unemployed or under emmployed? Join in this discussion and maybe we can get enough people involved to make a difference in our future.
The demographics of this survey were not given but it seems to me that with so many responding this is a very powerful statement for conservatives. We must defeat Mr. Obama in the next election if we are to have any hope of recovering our status in the world.
Gasoline is one of the issues that is cousing problems with our economy. Please let me know how you feel. Are yuou struggling? Are you one of the millions who are unemployed or under emmployed? Join in this discussion and maybe we can get enough people involved to make a difference in our future.
Honesty and Integrity
Politicians irritate me so much. there seems to be an over abundance of them who are simply in it for the prestige and power. Think about it, they get to wrangle our money for their pet projects and take all the glory for the "projects" they do for the area they represent. Now I don't have a problem with them working for the home folk, my problem is the lack of integrity and honesty from most of them. Why is it so hard to walk a life that shows these traits? I don't remember who said this but, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." When men and women get a hold on power they seem to have a tendency to be crazed, like rabid dogs. Men are more likely than women to be out of control, but it works in both sexes.
We need politicians and leaders who can control the urge to "lord it over the people". That is why we need term limits in both houses of congress. Just like the president, they should be limited so that they can do what they are elected to do and then move on to other "things". Imagine a group of people serving with no personal agenda for long term employment, no more career politicians.
Maybe you agree or disagree, if so please feel free to comment.
We need politicians and leaders who can control the urge to "lord it over the people". That is why we need term limits in both houses of congress. Just like the president, they should be limited so that they can do what they are elected to do and then move on to other "things". Imagine a group of people serving with no personal agenda for long term employment, no more career politicians.
Maybe you agree or disagree, if so please feel free to comment.
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