The EU is looking into giving Greece another bailout of at least 157 billion dollars. The US is right in the mix with Mr. Obama saying that is is necessary to maintain the stability of world markets. but , I ask, How can we continue to bail out other countries when our economy is in such a disaster? Wouldn't we be better off serving our own people first? We need more jobs, lower gas prices, both we can get by simply drilling in our own country. We keep throwing more and more money into the pot and expect things to get better if we are not doing the first things first.
The thing I see in all of this is a push into a one world monetary system. You see the more countries that get bailouts the more countries that have to participate until every country is in the same situation and the world economy collapses. Then the ruling class in the world will roll out the single world monetary unit and there you have it . The next step is one world government.
I say we should stand and fight if we want to hold to our nations sovereignty and keep our freedoms.
What do you say?