In 1620 a group of separatists, also known as Pilgrims headed away form England, headed for a new world just so they would be free to worship as they believed. Thy no longer could abide by the government telling them what to believe and how to believe. State run churches were not what these people wanted. Half of the Pilgrims that landed at Cape Cod, after 66 days of sea travel, feel ill and died. Yet, the remaining group stayed on and fought for what they believed in, freedom of worship. as the Colonies grew, they began to be oppressed by the British government. After all they were still loyal British subjects. The King began to impose strong laws that began to diminish the freedom of the colonists. Thus, began a verbal rebellion. The Black Robed Regiment, as they were known by the British, began to preach the gospel in a political fashion denouncing the King and reminding people that God was the Sovereign and He alone could give freedom. Many of these sermons became the foundation of the Declaration of Independence. One preacher of that day, John Locke, wrote in his book "Second Treatise on Government," "The most desirable government is one that protected human life, liberty, and estate. therefore government should be limited: it should be strong enough to protect these three inalienable rights." The Declaration of Independence states we have inalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The word 'inalienable' means something is incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another. The adjective is commonly used to refer to things not alienable such as birthright.
The colonists understood that the only rights they truly had were given by God, the right to live life to the best of their ability, the right to live that life freely as long as it did not infringe on he rights of others, and the right to pursue happiness by effort to fulfill their desires.
Just as the King George wanted to oppress the people of America, today we have a big government that wants to oppress our freedom to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The government wants to replace those rights with the right to universal health care, the right to pay more in taxes, the right to pay more for energy, and the right to take away form the workers to give to the non-worker.
I am reminded of a verse in the Bible "you reap what you sow." Today we are reaping the harvest of pain, suffering, joblessness, and energy dependence, because our government, led by progressives and elitists, have planted the seeds of deceit. They have told the "poor and disenfranchised that they would be taken care of, as long as they could collect the taxes of the wealthy. They never told these people that they would become enslaved to these programs and that opportunity would die.
Today the middle and lower class families have little hope of striking out on their own to discover the bold new world. They are simply at the mercy of a big government that wants to control their lives forever. What kind of independence is that? Unfortunately, the more the government gives the more people want them to give and this is a form of sowing as well. we sow to our nature of laziness and a desire to be given the things that we want and need. Big government is winning. Through progressive programs we got welfare, food stamps, social security, medicare, medicaid, and many many other government programs that are supposed to make life better. However, the reality is that it has made life more difficult because more and more people are opting out of the work ethic and depending on government to live.
I am not saying that we should abolish these programs but we must understand that many families have been destroyed because of this dependence. Truly Independence has been torn apart because of dependence on government. Some would say that the government is free to confiscate wealth to give to the poor and needy, I disagree, the Church and private institutions should be the ones to take care of the poor and needy. Teaching them to strong and independent. Obviously there are always going to be people who are totally dependent on others but those who have should be given the option of who their funds help. I should not be told that my tax dollars go to pay for things that I do not agree with, such as public radio, who raises millions of dollars through donations and still gets government money. This to me is a violation of my inalienable rights. When my money is taken to fund these programs and I have to sacrifice something that my family may need it irritates me.
The King of England had started increasing the taxes of the colonists beyond and above what was tolerable, so the people rebelled.
If our government continues in it's current people will rebel. Not necessarily with war, but certainly with words just as the Black Robed Regiment. I for one will be voicing my opinion about the course of government and calling for change in everyone from the President through the Senate and House of Representatives all the way down to local government. Because I still believe in our Independence Day. God Bless The United States of America and all of Her Citizens.