With so much going on in the news today, it is hard to pick a subject to write about. So, I thought I would just give you my two cents worth about the state of our nation.
We are in deep trouble because there are not enough people who will think for themselves and use a little common sense. Politicians are fighting over how to fix the economy. Wow, as if this is such a hard thing. Take a look at the history of our economics. Every time we have reduced taxes and opened up more opportunity to free market solutions, we have seen growth. Every time we increase taxes and rely on the government our economy tanks. Think about for just a moment. Conservatives believe that the only way to create jobs is by allowing job creators some freedom to move in the direction they think is right, within the confines of law and public safety. Liberals believe we should raise the taxes of these job creators because it is not "fair' the amount of money they make off the peoples backs. Is it hard to understand what is going on here? I don't think so.
From the late 19th and early 20th centuries Progressives have tried to convince the people the more they trust the government the more they will get from government. Thus a welfare state. No more personal responsibility.
I believe that personal responsibility is the answer to the problems we face in our nation today. If people would become responsible for their own lives and the lives of their children, teaching them personal responsibility, we would see the rise of our nation back to it's glory. However, we have those who believe that people cannot take care of themselves nor can they make choices that will lead them to prosperity.
Even the Bible tells us that we have personal responsibility for working out our own salvation with fear and trembling. When people stop following the Biblical pattern, they always get on the wrong track. Now that our nation and it's public forum have attempted to remove God, the Bible is no longer looked to for guidance. Instead we look to the Elites in the education system and believe they know all the right answers.
We must stop being sheep led to the slaughter house and become the leaders that God has created us to be. If we could convince people to take a new approach then we would see less of these People in the news making bad choices that ultimately lead to their destruction.
God Bless.