This is a personal thought that I have been having today.
In Matthew Chapter 7, Jesus is still giving His sermon telling the people what the kingdom of God looks like. He says, " In everything treat people the way you want them to treat you...." Then as He goes on he says something that would have raised eyebrows in that time. "Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few that find it. So beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
How appropriate are these words for today? So many people have jumped on the band wagon of things like "global warming", the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels, big government, labor unions, and many other ideas that are leading our nation down the broad or wide path to destruction. Now before you get all upset with me allow me a chance to explain.
First, I agree that we have a responsibility to take care of this earth. After all it is the only one we have. However, when we decide that man made global warming is so devastating to the future of this planet and we must reduce carbon emissions, then we have a lot of sheep following the "leader" to destruction. God created this earth and gave man dominion over it. This does not mean he can destroy it, he doesn't have the ability. Stop for a minute and think about this, solar and wind energy make up less than 2% of our current need. Experts also say that the technology is several years away that will allow it to produce more than tha amount. Now the federal government and the EPA have put rules into place that have changed the rules on coal fired power plants, and AEP, an energy provider in Ohio and West Virginia is closing 5 production facilities and 600 people are losing their jobs. Is this not leading this nation to destruction?
Second, While labor unions have had their place in helping the workers get better pay and benefits, they have now come to the point where they use membership dues to fund liberal-progressive government ideas that continue to devastate our nation. When public employees, who are paid by taxpayers, start making more and more demands that cause the taxpayers to revolt, we know there is a problem. Most of the people in the unions, I believe, are good people. they are simply pawns in the big game and being used. When the Obama administration gives billions to labor unions for bailouts and then gives them waivers on the health care, there has to be a problem.
Now we are expected to just sit back and take whatever the government wants to do with our money. Well I say that I will not be lead down the side path that leads to destruction. I will chose the narrow way of Jesus Christ and allow Him to lead me to Life.
We have a choice, We can turn our hearts back to God the creator of all things and humble ourselves before Him. This will lead to a renewal of this great nation and a great people . but, if we continue down the wide path, this nation is destined to fail, and I believe this is exactly what The enemies of God want.
There are some many more examples of this destructive behavior but for now it is time to "Wake up Church, and wake up America."