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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Are We Winning?

With everything rising in cost, how can the Obama Adminsitration continue to say that we are winning in the economic race? Unemployment stays around 9%.
Food prices are up; beef up43%, dairy up 60%. Everything is Up! I got this piece from Human Events and thought I would share it with you.

The Writing is on The Wall!
Bailouts, Potential Government Shutdown, QE1, QE2, Expanding Debt Limits.....
The Days of the U.S. Dollar....are Numbered!
We're on the Brink of A Total Collapse, Resulting in Hyper-Inflation Overnight!

Everything is on the Rise...AGAINST the U.S. Dollar.
The Federal Reserve & Treasury Department are stuck between a Rock and A Hard Place.
If they Raise Interest rates... the economy goes into a Tail Spin.
If they Stop Borrowing and Issuing Debt....The Monetary(Ponzie-Scheme) System Fails.
BUT, If they continue Down the Same path...
The Collapse of the U.S. Dollar is Imminent.
How Bad is it??
The Obama Administration has increased Debt, more than All Past Presidents Combined.
Much like any Balance Sheet, it all comes down to: "Debt to Equity" Ratio.
The Obama Administration is Running out of time AND Options.
Things are going to get Worse, before they can get Any Better.
* China is now a Seller of U.S. Treasury Bonds, in Over The Counter markets (OTC).
* The U.S. Dollar is Now hitting New Lows, Against ALL Major currencies.
* Social Security is Now Bleeding Red,this is the First year since inception.
* The IMF is now calling for the Replacement of the U.S. Dollar, as the World Reserve Currency.
* The FED's are Buying Back Unsold Bonds, at Every Treasury Bond Auction.
ALL the Signs of an Eminent Collapse are upon us.

U.S. Dollar denominated Investments, are at Risk of Total Collapse.
Recent Data reveals Most Americans will outlive their Savings, Due to Rising Cost of Living....
 Educate Yourself, on what could be
 "The Biggest Financial Catastrophe"America has ever seen.
How Bad is it getting?
The Federal Reserve Monetary Base (Money Supply) has increased 300% since August 2008.
The U.S. Banks Excess Reserves had a 49 year average of $.08 Billion Dollars,.. They are Now Holding approximately $1,455 Billion Dollars!
The Obama Administration has pledged to Release all of the above, in the Next Major Financial Debacle. ..Instant Inflation!
Don't believe it's possible?
*Food for thought: If Obama gave every American 1 Million Dollars.... Would we all be "Richer"?
The Answer is....No.
You would simply see more Dollars, chasing the same Amount of Goods... Instant Inflation.
What are we to do? Some say we need to but gold to assure our personal future. People did the same thing during the Great Depression and the Government confiscated all of it from the people. Do we think that this won't happen again?
Our only hope is "Trust in God". After all it is written on our money.



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