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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Does Anybody Know The Truth

I was speaking to a guy at work yesterday and he told me that he lost a $65,000 a year job because GW Bush raised taxes and the company closed up and moved to Mexico. What? As I recall GW lowered taxes, Didn't He? Or was that a lie?
Tax policies that are hurting companies and people are caused by Democrats who have been writing tax code for a long time. an oppressive tax system that is so confusing creates problems for everyone. Why can't we simplify the tax code?
a flat tax or Fair tax would change the way companies view their future opportunities and allow for the American people to spend their money the way they think it should be spent. However, we have a government that is not really for the people. They are actually for themselves. they want to control every aspect of our lives. George W. was a good president but not a great one. He was in fact more progressive than conservative which means he did favor bigger government, but he also had some restraint. He did listen to the people on a lot of issues, but when it came to the House and Senate being controlled by Democrats, I think he just felt like he could not win and decided to allow the lack of oversight in the housing and financial arenas. this led to TARP and the Obama bailouts.
Companies have always looked for ways to protect the profit so they can stay in business and create jobs, but when things get out of hand you can't blame them for moving if things are more profitable somewhere else.
We need to reeducate the masses with the truth instead of allowing the lame stream media to continue to tell lies.

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