Many people believe that the fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats is the abortion issue. I would like to address this issue. First I am not for abortion, I think it is wrong and very harmful. Not only to the life that is taken away, but also to the woman who goes through with the act.
I Have counseled several women who have gone through this and here from them, "I cannot live with this choice it hurts so bad." "God will never forgive me." I tell them that God will always forgive because He loves them even when they make bad choices.
Back to the issue. You cannot legislate morality, no matter how hard you try you cannot force people to make choices of this type based on Law. They will always rebel when they feel they have no options. If a woman wants to have an abortion she will do it because she has the "right" under the current law. Unfortunately, many people who call themselves "christian" then look down on them and condemn them for that choice. Stop that!! We need to love these women and help them to overcome the psychological issues they will face after.
As for the law, I think we should overturn Roe v. Wade and stop federally funding abortions. Leave the issue to the individual states where the power is supposed to exist under the constitution. When we de-fund abortion many of the women who go tho planned parenthood will then begin to think about their choice because my tax dollars will not be paying for their abortions. I know this sounds harsh, but this will give women a chance to see both sides of the issue instead of rushing into the "choice" and suffering needlessly afterward.
Abortion is the supposed easy way out but it truly leaves lasting scares. Many, maybe all of these children would have been adopted or accepted and never got that chance. Let's stop using this a political tool for the parties and get back to common sense and moral absolutes.
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