As I reflect today on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, I recall the words "I have a dream that one day my four little children will live in a nation where they are judged not by the color of their skin, but rather by the content of their character." These are truly magnificent and awe inspiring words. However, our nation no longer has a character that is worthy of value.
When "Christians can be called extremists just because they believe that God established a marriage as between one man and one woman, or because we believe that abortion is murder, or even believe in the Holy Scriptures and the constitution, leads me to believe in a great lack of character and integrity. Especially in people who would see us silenced of even worse.
God said that in the last days men would become lovers of self, rather than lovers of God. they will love themselves more than the one who created them. so much so that they would even deny Him and worship his creation. Men have turned away from truth and bought the lie. Remember how the crowds followed after Jesus as long as he was feeding them or healing them, yes and even raising the dead. But they turned on Him when the times got tough. The so called religious leaders thought they were doing the world a favor by getting rid of Him. Today, many think they are doing the world a favor by taking God and His Christ out of the public forum, saying that those who believe in such fairy tales are ignorant. They dismiss us without thought. But God himself said that men would die from a lack of (Godly) wisdom. Can you see this death coming? If you open your eyes you can see the things of this world that are considered "wise", Mother earth is worshipped, animals are more highly favored than humans, we consider our choices without considering the consequences. I could list many other examples but I choose to go on.
Where is moral character? What is the content of your character?
"I have a dream that one day this nation and the world will come to it's senses and turn back to God in repentance." Until then I pray "maranatha, even so Lord Jesus come.
This blog will be taking a different approach form now on, rather than focusing on politics, I will focus on what will truly change our nation and world---- God and His Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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