President Obama and his cronies are saying if we don't reach an agreement by August 2, the government will default on the debt. Therefore we must raise the debt ceiling so we can borrow more money. Does that make any sense to anyone? If I were at the brink of default on my personal finances I would simply go out and get another credit card or line of credit. that way when I couldn't pay a bill I could use the new line of credit to make the payment on the first. Wow, how does that work? No, if I were at the brink of default I could cut back on spending and lower my debt threshold. This would be done by cutting back on discretionary spending and reallocating those funds to reduce my debt.
So why is this not the same tactic that the government would use? The Democrats and progressives believe that we do not have enough revenue to cover the existing debt and we must raise the revenue with additional taxes on the rich. But they have been unwilling to talk about the real problem SPENDING.
Spending is out of control in our government. Example, The Department of Energy has been assigned the task of reducing our dependence on foreign oil and yet, after billions of dollars wasted, we are still dependent. the Department of Education has lost its integrity and destroyed many children through lack of true education. But I digress.
Default cannot happen unless the government refuses to service the debt. You see the government receives about Two Hundred Billion dollars a month in revenue and the interest on the debt is about twenty billion. so there is enough money to continue to pay each month. Unfortunately, our government (Democrats and the President) don't believe we are spending enough. they believe that we can spend our way to a level playing field for everyone, rather than making a level field of opportunity. Give more and more to the poor and keep them enslaved, while taking more and more from the rich in order to enslave them as well.
Another thing, what happens when we reach the new debt ceiling? Are we going to raise it again and again? How long will we continue to borrow more without putting a stop to the real problem? Do we just keep "kicking the can down the road?" As President Obama said the other day? Who is going to take true responsible action? Are there any members of congress that will stand with some backbone and refuse to allow the threats to persuade them? Stop increasing our debt limit and reduce spending now.
No, we will not default, we will overcome and do the right thing. "WE THE PEOPLE"
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