We have all heard the saying "the devil is in the details", well that seems to be the truth here. The Democrats and Mr. Obama are trying to make the Republicans look like the bad guys, especially those who are part of the tea party movement. The Dems in the House and Senate yesterday could be heard across Washington saying that the Tea Party Republicans were holding the people of America "hostage". Now they are calling us terrorists.
This is absolutely blasphemous. The democrats are the ones who have held the budget hostage for more than 800 days, yes, that is more than two years. Yet they berate the Republicans for trying to save this country from the continued destructive direction we are headed. We all know that Washington has a spending problem. They like to spend too much of our hard earned money and then they want more. When will they reach the point of no return? Meaning, when will it become so obvious tat there is no more money for them to spend/ You can only tax so much, are they going to confiscate 100% of the money from the "rich?" Look what has happened in the past when nations began to re=distribute the wealth. The USSR (no longer a nation) took the wealth and began to re=distribute until the people that they swore to help were in worse poverty than before.The same has happened to every socialist nation or communist nation through out history. But still, we run head first toward that very destruction. Why?
Well the answer to that is very simple. When man thinks he is more important than God and more capable of running this world than He, there is gong to be trouble. God set the standard when He said "you will have no other god's but Me." However, the elitists of this world will claim there is no God and that man has the ability to rule himself and others who are to stupid to rule themselves. Who are the stupid to these people? Those of us who believe in God! We are ridiculed and laughed at and oppressed by the tyranny of so called government. The leaders of government believe they are god and that we should all bow down to them because they will make sure we have everything we need. No need for personal responsibility the government will be responsible for you and your decisions. don't worry about anything, just give us complete control over the choices of your life and everything will be just fine. This is nothing new, it started way back when Adam and Eve decided that they wanted to be just like God.
so your kids come home from school and say we talked about creationism in science today? NO! Government schools give no room for honest debate they simply take the theory of evolution and deem It truth so they don't have to deal with God. Out of sight, out of mind.
So here we are, in a situation that has put the freedoms of this country in jeopardy. You want freedom and yet you take government handouts. I am not talking about Social Security and Medicare, but I am talking about all the socialist programs that have caused people to lose their dreams and ambitions. Where are the dreamers, the inventors, the go getter's, who built this country on hard work and opportunity? Where are the people who explore and create? Where are the winners? They are left in the dust by a society that has put God away and said that only the "well educated elite" can have anything. If you believe in God you are ignorant and incapable of moving up in this world. I think that is what is holding the people of America hostage today. We are not allowed to think anymore. We have to accept as truth whatever the government and the schools tell us. We are to stupid to know the truth.
Well I am tired of being oppressed by this government and it's left wing schools and the unions that steal from the members to fund more of the progressive agenda that continues to teach our children that the government is god and they can only survive by being followers. STAND UP AMERICA AND FIGHT BACK!!! Especially those of you who call yourselves followers of Christ. Take back what is rightfully God's and take back your dignity.
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