It seems to me that Medicare is in a deep hole and maybe there is no way to fix it. However, Rep. Paul Ryan has put together a plan that will put the program back on solid footing. Yet the Democrats and President B. Obama say that it will put seniors at risk. What? As if the current plan is not putting seniors at risk already. I recieved this short article from Freedon Works:
"We Can Save Medicare
If we do not act now, the failure of leadership by President Obama and Democrats in Congress will lead our Medicare system to certain bankruptcy. We can save Medicare for current seniors and make sure it's around for our children and grandchildren by supporting Representative Paul Ryan.
In his "Path to Prosperity", Rep. Ryan has laid out a plan to save Medicare by creating a patient-centered system for seniors that gives them more choices for their health care while reining in exploding costs.
Rep. Ryan's plan ensures that present seniors in Medicare are not affected and provides a sustainable path for future enrollees. In the video below Rep. Ryan offers a powerful explanation of his plan
It's simple, it's cost-effective and it puts the patient -- not bureaucrats -- in control. But President Obama and Democrats believe attacking Rep. Ryan's plan, while offering no solutions of their own for saving Medicare, is a winning electoral strategy: Attack Rep. Ryan, win the next election.
The problem is this "strategy" will come at the expense of seniors and taxpayers. Worst part is that President Obama has already admitted we're on an unsustainable course:
"Medicare is slated to go into the red in about eight to 10 years. I don't know if people are aware of that." - President Barack Obama, August 2009"
If we do nothing we are in more danger of harming seniors and future generations who will be relying on this program. We need to aleast give Paul Ryans plan a chance.
We're aware Mr. President, now what are you going to do about it?
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