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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mr. Obama Working Hard To Reduce The Deficit

The President has given several raises to his staff. Even though he has blocked increases for seniors for two years now. Aren't we in the middle of a debt crisis? Still we can increase the pay of government employees who produce nothing.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Debt Ceiling Negotiations

We have all heard the saying "the devil is in the details", well that seems to be the truth here. The Democrats and Mr. Obama are trying to make the Republicans look like the bad guys, especially those who are part of the tea party movement. The Dems in the House and Senate yesterday could be heard across Washington saying that the Tea Party Republicans were holding the people of America "hostage". Now they are calling us terrorists.
This is absolutely blasphemous. The democrats are the ones who have held the budget hostage for more than 800 days, yes, that is more than two years. Yet they berate the Republicans for trying to save this country from the continued destructive direction we are headed. We all know that Washington has a spending problem. They like to spend too much of our hard earned money and then they want more. When will they reach the point of no return? Meaning, when will it become so obvious tat there is no more money for them to spend/ You can only tax so much, are they going to confiscate 100% of the money from the "rich?" Look what has happened in the past when nations began to re=distribute the wealth. The USSR (no longer a nation) took the wealth and began to re=distribute until the people that they swore to help were in worse poverty than before.The same has happened to every socialist nation or communist nation through out history. But still, we run head first toward that very destruction. Why?
Well the answer to that is very simple. When man thinks he is more important than God and more capable of running this world than He, there is gong to be trouble. God set the standard when He said "you will have no other god's but Me." However, the elitists of this world will claim there is no God and that man has the ability to rule himself and others who are to stupid to rule themselves. Who are the stupid to these people? Those of us who believe in God! We are ridiculed and laughed at and oppressed by the tyranny of so called government. The leaders of government believe they are god and that we should all bow down to them because they will make sure we have everything we need. No need for personal responsibility the government will be responsible for you and your decisions. don't worry about anything, just give us complete control over the choices of your life and everything will be just fine. This is nothing new, it started way back when Adam and Eve decided that they wanted to be just like God.
so your kids come home from school and say we talked about creationism in science today? NO! Government schools give no room for honest debate they simply take the theory of evolution and deem It truth so they don't have to deal with God. Out of sight, out of mind.
So here we are, in a situation that has put the freedoms of this country in jeopardy. You want freedom and yet you take government handouts. I am not talking about Social Security and Medicare, but I am talking about all the socialist programs that have caused people to lose their dreams and ambitions. Where are the dreamers, the inventors, the go getter's, who built this country on hard work and opportunity? Where are the people who explore and create? Where are the winners? They are left in the dust by a society that has put God away and said that only the "well educated elite" can have anything. If you believe in God you are ignorant and incapable of moving up in this world. I think that is what is holding the people of America hostage today. We are not allowed to think anymore. We have to accept as truth whatever the government and the schools tell us. We are to stupid to know the truth.
Well I am tired of being oppressed by this government and it's left wing schools and the unions that steal from the members to fund more of the progressive agenda that continues to teach our children that the government is god and they can only survive by being followers. STAND UP AMERICA AND FIGHT BACK!!! Especially those of you who call yourselves followers of Christ. Take back what is rightfully God's and take back your dignity.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mr. Obama's Posse

I wasn't going to post this weekend but I just heard an interview with a former Obama staff person. She said that Mr. O has bent over backwards in the debt negotiations and the Republicans have not given anything. What the heck is she talking about. Obama has not offered one single legitimate idea in this process and is demanding that the Republicans give in to his tax increases.
Personally I am sick of all these people giving Obama a free pass. He has done nothing less than add 5 trillion dollars to the debt in less than 3 years and he has the gaul to say the only way to fix this is to raise taxes, without spending cuts mind you.Republicans have passed a budget that would save medicare and social security and also cut 6.4 trillion in the next ten years. Which is better? do nothing per Obama or cut spending?
Republicans in the House have also passed Cut,  and balance, which would force the government to balance its own budget and stop the increase in spending without having the money to spend. Don't you think that is more reasonable than increasing spending without thinking of the consequences?
Think about history. Herbert Hoover became President at the beginning of the Great Depression and increased spending by 50%. Franklin D Roosevelt gave us the New Deal spending more money by giving freebies to the poor and raising taxes to pay for his reform. The Great Depression did not end until after WWII and at that point we had to cut spending because there were not enough people working to pay the government debt.
Where are we today?
For all of you Obama supporters, stop giving him a free pass and look at the facts. We are doomed if we continue down this same path. We must balance our national budget just like at home. And we must get people back to work. Without those two things in the agenda we will not be a free country in the next three years.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Gatlinburg Tennessee

Hi to all who read my blog. I have been spending the last week in the beautiful Gatlinburg area. The Westgate Smokey Mountain Resort is absolutely wonderful. If you ever want to visit simply email me at and I will help you get a special rate.

It has been hot here but that is not an issue. We have been to the Smith Family Theater and saw the Smith Brothers. It was a good show, I would rate it 8 out of 10. A definte must see if you are in town. 

Hiking in the mountains is a great experience. We went to Cades Cove and saw some of the old homes and churches. Then  we hike back to Abrams Falls, 2.5 miles in and 2.5 miles back out. I thought I would die, but I made it, bad heart and all. If you do the hike make sure you take more than one water bottle and a good pair of hiking shoes.

It is always busy here but the only place we had to wait a long time was Wendy's. The Apple Barn is worth the trip and the food at the Applewood restaurant is wonderful.

Just a six hour drive from Dayton, Ohio and well worth the trip.

I know this is not why you read this blog and next week I will be back to my regular writings, but I thought a review of our vacation would be good.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Mr. Obama's Rhetoric

Today Mr. Obama gave another speech, the media called it unprecedented to have two press conferences in the same week. However, all he is doing is saying the same things over and over again, getting more press coverage for his weak ideas while the Republicans get very little press.
Me. Obama once again, said he would be willing to make spending cuts if the Republicans will allow for tax increases. But he never says what he will cut. Smoke and mirrors. He says what people want to hear and then foes not follow through. Why should we trust his word. Remember the bailout? Where did that money go, the money that was to stimulate the economy? It went to Big Car business and Big Banks.  O and yes to many unions so they could keep their employees working and paying union dues so they could turn around and give large donations to the Democratic party. For those of you who continue to be unemployed and to the newly unemployed, where is your bailout? O that's right, 96 weeks of benefits. Has that made you rich or even kept your head above water?
Our country is drowning in a mountain of debt and all the President can say is raise taxes on the rich. How does that work? Let's use a little common sense here. Let's say we do raise the taxes on the rich, for example big oil. they currently have an 8% profit margin and that goes to the stock holders, some of which are middle class Americans. but we are going to raise their taxes anyway. What happens? Gas prices go up! Common sense, they are not going to let their stock holders hold the bag because they will lose invested money that is used to explore and develop oil or new sources of energy. Who gets hurt? Middle and Poor Americans. When gas hits $4.00 a gallon many of us cannot afford to do any of the extras. We eat out less. we buy only what is necessary and many other people are affected by the drop in consumer spending. Another example, Farms. When their costs go up do they eat that extra expense or do they pass that on to the consumer? Common Sense, Farmers are in business to make a profit so the can feed their families and have some of the nicer things in life. By The Way, many Farmers are in the rich class because their farms produce more than $250,000 dollars a year, so they are going to have a tax increase. Example 3, Walmart. They are going to have to pay more taxes so what do they do to maintain the profit margin that they need to keep open stores and distribution centers? Common Sense, They will have to cut employees and you know how you have to wait in line now. So you can see that we have a vicious cycle here, taxes go up, prices go up, more people lose their jobs and then we have even less going to the government to pay for all the pet projects.

Our Government is currently bringing in about 203 billion dollars a month and spending about 327 billion. We definitely have a problem. But if we raised the taxes on all people making more than $250,000 to 100% we could not make up the 130 billion short fall each month. We must create jobs so that more people are paying taxes. Not Minimum wage jobs, but real jobs with future and the government cannot and will not do that. We must get government out of the way of the job creating free market and see what happens. It will take some time but if we reduce the size and scope of government, we would be able to reduce the deficit to a reasonable level within 10 years. Doesn't that sound like common sense?
Mr. Obama your rhetoric is no longer needed or wanted, get out of the way of real progress.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Taxes On Small Business

Can you believe the nerve of the Obama administration telling us that tax increases on small business will add to the revenue and create jobs. Also, They want us to believe that taxes are necessary so that govenment doesn't have to shrink. This is the Truth "Democrats want to destroy this great nation, not build it."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Clean Up The Poop

I couldn't have said it better myself.

This is the best analogy yet!  You've got to love  Maxine!
Leave it to Maxine to come up with a solution for the mess that we are in economically  now

I  bought a bird feeder. I hung It on my back porch and filled
It with seed. What a beauty of A bird feeder it was, as I filled it
Lovingly with seed. Within a Week we had hundreds of birds Taking advantage of the
Continuous flow of free and Easily accessible food.
But then the birds started Building nests in the boards
Of  the patio, above the table, And next to the barbecue.
Then came the poop. It was Everywhere: on the  patio tile,
The chairs, the table                           ..
Then some of the birds Turned mean. They would
Dive bomb me and try to Peck me even though I had
Fed them out of my own Pocket. And others birds were
Boisterous and loud. They Sat on the feeder and
Squawked and screamed at All hours of the day and night
And demanded that I fill it When it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn't even Sit on my own back porch
Anymore.  So I took down  the Bird feeder and in three days
The birds were gone. I cleaned Up their mess and took down
The many nests they had built All over the patio and the back yard was like
It used to be ......  Quiet, serene.... And no one demanding  their
Rights to a free meal.

Now let's see.....Our government gives out  Free food, subsidized housing,
Free medical care and free Education, and allows anyone Born here to be an                                 automatic Citizen. Then the illegals came by the Tens of thousands. Suddenly
Our taxes went up to pay for Free services; small apartments Are housing 5                                 families; you Have to wait 6 hours to be seen By an emergency room doctor;
Your child's second grade class is Behind other schools because
Over half the class doesn't speak English. Corn Flakes now come in a
Bilingual box; I have to 'press one ' to hear my bank Talk to me in English, and
People waving flags other Than our flag are Squawking and screaming
In the streets, demanding More rights and free liberties. Just my opinion, but                                 maybe it's time for the government To take down the bird feeder.
If you don't agree you are destined to keep cleaning up the poop.

The Myth of Government Default

President Obama and his cronies are saying if we don't reach an agreement by August 2, the government will default on the debt. Therefore we must raise the debt ceiling so we can borrow more money. Does that make any sense to anyone? If I were at the brink of default on my personal finances I would simply go out and get another credit card or line of credit. that way when I couldn't pay a bill I could use the new line of credit to make the payment on the first. Wow, how does that work? No, if I were at the brink of default I could cut back on spending and lower my debt threshold. This would be done by cutting back on discretionary spending and reallocating those funds to reduce my debt.
So why is this not the same tactic that the government would use? The Democrats and progressives believe that we do not have enough revenue to cover the existing debt and we must raise the revenue with additional taxes on the rich. But they have been unwilling to talk about the real problem SPENDING.
Spending is out of control in our government. Example, The Department of Energy has been assigned the task of reducing our dependence on foreign oil and yet, after billions of dollars wasted, we are still dependent. the Department of Education has lost its integrity and destroyed many children through lack of true education. But I digress.
Default cannot happen unless the government refuses to service the debt. You see the government receives about Two Hundred Billion dollars a month in revenue and the interest on the debt is about twenty billion. so there is enough money to continue to pay each month. Unfortunately, our government (Democrats and the President) don't believe we are spending enough. they believe that we can spend our way to a level playing field for everyone, rather than making a level field of opportunity. Give more and more to the poor and keep them enslaved, while taking more and more from the rich in order to enslave them as well.
Another thing, what happens when we reach the new debt ceiling? Are we going to raise it again and again? How long will we continue to borrow more without putting a stop to the real problem? Do we just keep "kicking the can down the road?" As President Obama said the other day? Who is going to take true responsible action? Are there any members of congress that will stand with some backbone and refuse to allow the threats to persuade them? Stop increasing our debt limit and reduce spending now.
No, we will not default, we will overcome and do the right thing. "WE THE PEOPLE"

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Independence Day

On July 4th we celebrate Independence, an historical date which is remembered for the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Why did we need a Declaration? Were we not already independent?
In 1620 a group of separatists, also known as Pilgrims headed away form England, headed for a new world just so they would be free to worship as they believed. Thy no longer could abide by the government telling them what to believe and how to believe. State run churches were not what these people wanted. Half of the Pilgrims that landed at Cape Cod, after 66 days of sea travel, feel ill and died. Yet, the remaining group stayed on and fought for what they believed in, freedom of worship.  as the Colonies grew, they began to be oppressed by the British government. After all they were still loyal British subjects. The King began to impose strong laws that began to diminish the freedom of the colonists. Thus, began a verbal rebellion. The Black Robed Regiment, as they were known by the British, began to preach the gospel in a political fashion denouncing the King and reminding people that God was the Sovereign and He alone could give freedom. Many of these sermons became the foundation of the Declaration of Independence. One preacher of that day, John Locke, wrote in his book "Second Treatise on Government," "The most desirable government is one that protected human life, liberty, and estate. therefore government should be limited: it should be strong enough to protect these three inalienable rights." The Declaration of Independence states we have inalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 
The word 'inalienable' means something is incapable of being repudiated or transferred to another. The adjective is commonly used to refer to things not alienable such as birthright.
The colonists understood that the only rights they truly had were given by God, the right to live life to the best of their ability, the right to live that life freely as long as it did not infringe on he rights of others, and the right to pursue happiness by effort to fulfill their desires.
Just as the King George wanted to oppress the people of America, today we have a big government that wants to oppress our freedom to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The government wants to replace those rights with the right to universal health care, the right to pay more in taxes, the right to pay more for energy, and the right to take away form the workers to give to the non-worker.
I am reminded of a verse in the Bible "you reap what you sow." Today we are reaping the harvest of pain, suffering, joblessness, and energy dependence, because our government, led by progressives and elitists, have planted the seeds of deceit. They have told the "poor and disenfranchised that they would be taken care of, as long as they could collect the taxes of the wealthy. They never told these people that they would become enslaved to these programs and that opportunity would die.
Today the middle and lower class families have little hope of striking out on their own to discover the bold new world. They are simply at the mercy of a big government that wants to control their lives forever. What kind of independence is that? Unfortunately, the more the government gives the more people want them to give and this is a form of sowing as well. we sow to our nature of laziness and a desire to be given the things that we want and need. Big government is winning. Through progressive programs we got welfare, food stamps, social security, medicare, medicaid, and many many other government programs that are supposed to make life better. However, the reality is that it has made life more difficult because more and more people are opting out of the work ethic and depending on government to live. 
I am not saying that we should abolish these programs but we must understand that many families have been destroyed because of this dependence. Truly Independence has been torn apart because of dependence on government. Some would say that the government is free to confiscate wealth to give to the poor and needy, I disagree, the Church and private institutions should be the ones to take care of the poor and needy. Teaching them to strong and independent. Obviously there are always going to be people who are totally dependent on others but those who have should be given the option of who their funds help. I should not be told that my tax dollars go to pay for things that I do not agree with, such as public radio, who raises millions of dollars through donations and still gets government money. This to me is a violation of my inalienable rights. When my money is taken to fund these programs and I have to sacrifice something that my family may need it irritates me.
The King of England had started increasing the taxes of the colonists beyond and above what was tolerable, so the people rebelled.
If our government continues in it's current people will rebel. Not necessarily with war, but certainly with words just as the Black Robed Regiment. I for one will be voicing my opinion about the course of government and calling for change in everyone from the President through the Senate and House of Representatives all the way down to local government. Because I still believe in our Independence Day. God Bless The United States of America and all of Her Citizens.