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Friday, July 15, 2011

Mr. Obama's Rhetoric

Today Mr. Obama gave another speech, the media called it unprecedented to have two press conferences in the same week. However, all he is doing is saying the same things over and over again, getting more press coverage for his weak ideas while the Republicans get very little press.
Me. Obama once again, said he would be willing to make spending cuts if the Republicans will allow for tax increases. But he never says what he will cut. Smoke and mirrors. He says what people want to hear and then foes not follow through. Why should we trust his word. Remember the bailout? Where did that money go, the money that was to stimulate the economy? It went to Big Car business and Big Banks.  O and yes to many unions so they could keep their employees working and paying union dues so they could turn around and give large donations to the Democratic party. For those of you who continue to be unemployed and to the newly unemployed, where is your bailout? O that's right, 96 weeks of benefits. Has that made you rich or even kept your head above water?
Our country is drowning in a mountain of debt and all the President can say is raise taxes on the rich. How does that work? Let's use a little common sense here. Let's say we do raise the taxes on the rich, for example big oil. they currently have an 8% profit margin and that goes to the stock holders, some of which are middle class Americans. but we are going to raise their taxes anyway. What happens? Gas prices go up! Common sense, they are not going to let their stock holders hold the bag because they will lose invested money that is used to explore and develop oil or new sources of energy. Who gets hurt? Middle and Poor Americans. When gas hits $4.00 a gallon many of us cannot afford to do any of the extras. We eat out less. we buy only what is necessary and many other people are affected by the drop in consumer spending. Another example, Farms. When their costs go up do they eat that extra expense or do they pass that on to the consumer? Common Sense, Farmers are in business to make a profit so the can feed their families and have some of the nicer things in life. By The Way, many Farmers are in the rich class because their farms produce more than $250,000 dollars a year, so they are going to have a tax increase. Example 3, Walmart. They are going to have to pay more taxes so what do they do to maintain the profit margin that they need to keep open stores and distribution centers? Common Sense, They will have to cut employees and you know how you have to wait in line now. So you can see that we have a vicious cycle here, taxes go up, prices go up, more people lose their jobs and then we have even less going to the government to pay for all the pet projects.

Our Government is currently bringing in about 203 billion dollars a month and spending about 327 billion. We definitely have a problem. But if we raised the taxes on all people making more than $250,000 to 100% we could not make up the 130 billion short fall each month. We must create jobs so that more people are paying taxes. Not Minimum wage jobs, but real jobs with future and the government cannot and will not do that. We must get government out of the way of the job creating free market and see what happens. It will take some time but if we reduce the size and scope of government, we would be able to reduce the deficit to a reasonable level within 10 years. Doesn't that sound like common sense?
Mr. Obama your rhetoric is no longer needed or wanted, get out of the way of real progress.

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