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Friday, December 23, 2011

Winners and Losers

Today the republicans in the House of Reps succumbed to the pressure of the media and caved to the two month extension on the so called "tax cut". The liberal media continued to make the Republican leadership look like bad guys and say that the working people of America would lose if the House did not agree to the proposal. In my humble opinion the people are not the winners they think they are.
Take a look at what we are going to get. Those who make $50,000 or more a year will get a 2% reduction in the amount of FICA tax withheld from their paychecks. At $50,000 that means $1000 a year or $20 each week. You do the math.The maximum amount that will be in the paycheck of workers is $40 because the income amount that is taxed by FICA is around $108,000.  However, what it really means is that Social Security will get about 500 billion dollars less into the fund this year. We are already looking at a major deficit in the SS fund because we are paying SS recipients from the general fund now, which is at a deficit level of 15 trillion dollars. So what we are doing is kicking the can down the road a little more. What a great win for the people. Twenty years or thirty years from now when you turn to Social Security to retire and find that there is no money in the system how will you feel?  No the people are not winners in this matter. The congress does not really care that much because they do not pay into Social Security. This was not a war over who likes the average taxpayer more, this was a war on conservative values and common sense. The winner is? Can You answer the question before I give it to you? If you can then you are probably at least thinking for yourself. The winner is President Obama. He promised to change America and so far he has done a great job. He has for all practical purposes taken over the media and they play to his every whim. So when the media started siding with the Democrats and Mr. Obama the republicans felt they could not stand their ground and hold to the substance of what was going on. We should not have extended the tax holiday in this way, but the House had passed a bill that would have extended the tax holiday and paid for it. What happened to that idea? Harry Reid would not allow that plan to come to the senate and decided his way was better, a 2 month extension that is not paid for. Kick the can! Now when they come back from Christmas break they will have to start all over again.
Mr. Obama wins because the media gives him the platform to take credit for what happened, even though he did not negotiate in any way, He simply said what he wanted and the dems and the media stepped in line and made the Republicans look bad.
When will the American people wake up? Will it be to late to save this nation?
On another note: Today Harry Reid said that we need to find a way to extend unemployment benefits. I totally disagree, What we need is to find a way to put these people back to work.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

True Leadership

I have been reading a book by John C. Maxwell and Jim Dornan, "Becoming A Person Of Influence."
In this book there is a list of eight things that a leader must possess to be truly influential.
1. He/She must model a consistency of Character.
2. Employ honest communication/
3. Value Transparency.
4. Exemplify humility.
5. Demonstrate true support of others.
6. Fulfill your promises.
7. Embrace an attitude of service.
8. Encourage two-way participation with the people you influence.

To me this is a very hefty demand on anyone but to be truly a leader we must endure the difficult demands of leadership.
I feel that the current leadership of this nation does not demonstrate any of the characteristics listed above but that is not what I am writing about today. Today I want to talk about the candidates for Republican nominee. Are there true leaders in this group? Can they do the things "We The People" expect form them? Is there a level of integrity that surpasses that of the progressive/ liberal movement of this day?
Newt Gingrich is leading the polls going into the Iowa caucus. However, I am a little concerned about his leadership ability. Yes, he once was the Speaker of the House and accomplished some things that kept us moving in the right direction. He also has made millions off of the "Global Warming" platform and through council with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It seems to me that if you are a true conservative and stand on the idea that these ideas have flaws ten you shouldn't be trying to make money working with them. He also has had some issues with past indiscretion and while I know that no one is perfect, being totally honest about things is better than trying to slide around the issue. Face things head on and take the criticism. Be transparent, open and honest. Are you doing this for the people or are you doing it for yourself?
Mitt Romney is not a conservative and has not clearly answered the question about state mandated health care. If it is good enough for his state then will he feel it will work for the entire country? Is he really in touch with the middle class? He says that he knows how to create jobs but just today put out his plan with 50, yes 50 points that he says will correct our economy. Yet, He to believes in man made global warming. He claims that man is part of the cause of the increase in global temperatures. Hasn't that been debunked? Global warming is a planned world catastrophe used to "spread the wealth" where in the rich will get richer and the poor poorer and the middle class will disappear. If someone truly believes in global warming they are certainly for bigger government to control the people and their usage of the God given resources we have in this world.

I do not feel comfortable with either of these men, but if one of these receives the nomination, I will vote for him as the better choice over Mr. Obama/

I think that we have been led astray in this country and have to settle for the one that seems to be the best choice, but what about integrity and leadership? Will these people lead from a position of true humility? Will they be transparent and honest with the people? Will they be servants to the people and the constitution? Will they be humble in character, not thinking themselves more valuable than any other citizen of this great nation? Will they keep their promises? {ersonally I don't think they will but you must decide for yourself. Follow the eight points at the beginning of this piece and vote your consceince and heart. This is all about Integrity.