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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Content of Character

As I reflect today on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech, I recall the words "I have a dream that one day my four little children will live in a nation where they are judged not by the color of their skin, but rather by the content of their character." These are truly magnificent and awe inspiring words. However, our nation no longer has a character that is worthy of value.
When "Christians can be called extremists just because they believe that God established a marriage as between one man and one woman, or because we believe that abortion is murder, or even believe in the Holy Scriptures and the constitution, leads me to believe in a great lack of character and integrity. Especially in people who would see us silenced of even worse.
God said that in the last days men would become lovers of self, rather than lovers of God. they will love themselves more than the one who created them. so much so that they would even deny Him and worship his creation. Men have turned away from truth and bought the lie. Remember how the crowds followed after Jesus as long as he was feeding them or healing them, yes and even raising the dead. But they turned on Him when the times got tough. The so called religious leaders thought they were doing the world a favor by getting rid of Him. Today, many think they are doing the world a favor by taking God and His Christ out of the public forum, saying that those who believe in such fairy tales are ignorant. They dismiss us without thought. But God himself said that men would die from a lack of (Godly) wisdom. Can you see this death coming? If you open your eyes you can see the things of this world that are considered "wise", Mother earth is worshipped, animals are more highly favored than humans, we consider our choices without considering the consequences. I could list many other examples but I choose to go on.
Where is moral character? What is the content of your character?
"I have a dream that one day this nation and the world will come to it's senses and turn back to God in repentance." Until then I pray "maranatha, even so Lord Jesus come.

This blog will be taking a different approach form now on, rather than focusing on politics, I will focus on what will truly change our nation and world---- God and His Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sinking Into Despair?

I have cried many times, as I have seen the faces of these Innocent children and wondered why here and why now? The media and the politicians want us to believe it is about guns, but I am going to tell you it is not.

Bear with me as I share my thoughts:
We have taken God out of schools, we cannot talk about the Ten Commandments for fear that we will offend. We cannot share our faith with people in the public arena because no one  wants to hear it. We listen to "rap" and hear about killing the police and raping and abusing women. Since 1972 we have killed 55 million babies, taking them from their mothers wombs, for "choice" and the mothers rights There is no sanctity of life, we are all animals, evolved from lower forms and so it doesn't matter how we act out.We teach people to "watch out for number one" and "if it feels good go ahead and do it." We don't think about the other people who may be involved and affected by our actions. We sell video games that teach our kids to kill and after they have killed on the game, the person they killed comes back to life, so it can happen again. There is no measure of reality. Then one day someone picks up a gun or two or more and begins to shoot at innocent people, or maybe they believe that the people they are shooting are not that innocent, as seen in gang violence that occurs everyday in this nation. The only time it becomes a problem for gang bangers is when it happens to one of their own. The only time these massacres matter is when the media and politicians want to look good to their constituents. Suddenly they want to talk about fixing the problem, but their ideas have never fixed any of these problems. We  have developed a nation of prople with no hope and when the trials of life get to be too much, they lash out in some way. Not everyone goes out and takes life. Many of them just treat others with anger or hatred. They may try to destroy someones character or make them feel worthless.

We are allowing the people of this nation and the world to sink into despair with no answers that will lead them to a better life. We treat them with medications and call it mental illness or a learning disability. We call them bi-polar or crazy and add to the problems of life rather than offering hope and restoration. But that is the problem, we no longer know where hope or restoration comes from.

As a child I learned to "Treat others the way I wanted to be treated". I learned that peace came by loving and caring about my fellow man.You see we do not have a gun problem, We have a moral problem. A problem of the Heart. We have become wicked and perverse, cursing and denying the God that can lead us to restoration and hope. The only one who cares enough to give His very best so that we can be truly happy and fulfilled in this life.

This is not about the right to bear arms or taking that right away, it is about returning to the moral center and accepting God's grace, then sharong that grace with the world around us. If we can get back to that center we will see less violence and more love.  

Friday, December 23, 2011

Winners and Losers

Today the republicans in the House of Reps succumbed to the pressure of the media and caved to the two month extension on the so called "tax cut". The liberal media continued to make the Republican leadership look like bad guys and say that the working people of America would lose if the House did not agree to the proposal. In my humble opinion the people are not the winners they think they are.
Take a look at what we are going to get. Those who make $50,000 or more a year will get a 2% reduction in the amount of FICA tax withheld from their paychecks. At $50,000 that means $1000 a year or $20 each week. You do the math.The maximum amount that will be in the paycheck of workers is $40 because the income amount that is taxed by FICA is around $108,000.  However, what it really means is that Social Security will get about 500 billion dollars less into the fund this year. We are already looking at a major deficit in the SS fund because we are paying SS recipients from the general fund now, which is at a deficit level of 15 trillion dollars. So what we are doing is kicking the can down the road a little more. What a great win for the people. Twenty years or thirty years from now when you turn to Social Security to retire and find that there is no money in the system how will you feel?  No the people are not winners in this matter. The congress does not really care that much because they do not pay into Social Security. This was not a war over who likes the average taxpayer more, this was a war on conservative values and common sense. The winner is? Can You answer the question before I give it to you? If you can then you are probably at least thinking for yourself. The winner is President Obama. He promised to change America and so far he has done a great job. He has for all practical purposes taken over the media and they play to his every whim. So when the media started siding with the Democrats and Mr. Obama the republicans felt they could not stand their ground and hold to the substance of what was going on. We should not have extended the tax holiday in this way, but the House had passed a bill that would have extended the tax holiday and paid for it. What happened to that idea? Harry Reid would not allow that plan to come to the senate and decided his way was better, a 2 month extension that is not paid for. Kick the can! Now when they come back from Christmas break they will have to start all over again.
Mr. Obama wins because the media gives him the platform to take credit for what happened, even though he did not negotiate in any way, He simply said what he wanted and the dems and the media stepped in line and made the Republicans look bad.
When will the American people wake up? Will it be to late to save this nation?
On another note: Today Harry Reid said that we need to find a way to extend unemployment benefits. I totally disagree, What we need is to find a way to put these people back to work.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

True Leadership

I have been reading a book by John C. Maxwell and Jim Dornan, "Becoming A Person Of Influence."
In this book there is a list of eight things that a leader must possess to be truly influential.
1. He/She must model a consistency of Character.
2. Employ honest communication/
3. Value Transparency.
4. Exemplify humility.
5. Demonstrate true support of others.
6. Fulfill your promises.
7. Embrace an attitude of service.
8. Encourage two-way participation with the people you influence.

To me this is a very hefty demand on anyone but to be truly a leader we must endure the difficult demands of leadership.
I feel that the current leadership of this nation does not demonstrate any of the characteristics listed above but that is not what I am writing about today. Today I want to talk about the candidates for Republican nominee. Are there true leaders in this group? Can they do the things "We The People" expect form them? Is there a level of integrity that surpasses that of the progressive/ liberal movement of this day?
Newt Gingrich is leading the polls going into the Iowa caucus. However, I am a little concerned about his leadership ability. Yes, he once was the Speaker of the House and accomplished some things that kept us moving in the right direction. He also has made millions off of the "Global Warming" platform and through council with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. It seems to me that if you are a true conservative and stand on the idea that these ideas have flaws ten you shouldn't be trying to make money working with them. He also has had some issues with past indiscretion and while I know that no one is perfect, being totally honest about things is better than trying to slide around the issue. Face things head on and take the criticism. Be transparent, open and honest. Are you doing this for the people or are you doing it for yourself?
Mitt Romney is not a conservative and has not clearly answered the question about state mandated health care. If it is good enough for his state then will he feel it will work for the entire country? Is he really in touch with the middle class? He says that he knows how to create jobs but just today put out his plan with 50, yes 50 points that he says will correct our economy. Yet, He to believes in man made global warming. He claims that man is part of the cause of the increase in global temperatures. Hasn't that been debunked? Global warming is a planned world catastrophe used to "spread the wealth" where in the rich will get richer and the poor poorer and the middle class will disappear. If someone truly believes in global warming they are certainly for bigger government to control the people and their usage of the God given resources we have in this world.

I do not feel comfortable with either of these men, but if one of these receives the nomination, I will vote for him as the better choice over Mr. Obama/

I think that we have been led astray in this country and have to settle for the one that seems to be the best choice, but what about integrity and leadership? Will these people lead from a position of true humility? Will they be transparent and honest with the people? Will they be servants to the people and the constitution? Will they be humble in character, not thinking themselves more valuable than any other citizen of this great nation? Will they keep their promises? {ersonally I don't think they will but you must decide for yourself. Follow the eight points at the beginning of this piece and vote your consceince and heart. This is all about Integrity.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Teacher's Strike?

I heard on the news today that the teachers of Tacoma, Washington are on strike because the classes are to big and the pay is not enough. According to public records the average teacher salary last school year was $63,793.
I am sorry but this seems a little extreme to me. don't get me wrong, I love teachers . for the most part. My mother was a teacher and worked very hard to assure that her students dd the necessary work to progress in school. However, when I see public employees going on strike, I wonder why they think this is okay. It is not the state that is paying them, it is the taxpayers of that state. These people on strike against the families of the children they are supposed to be teaching.
This teachers union said the strike was for the teachers and the students, but how does this help the students? I understand overcrowding and some of the difficulties that teachers face everyday, but a strike is not the answer. Is this going to endear them to most of the families? NO most of these families are the taxpayers who pay them and the private sector is losing jobs like a leaky rain barrel. At what point will the public sector understand that the money is running out? Will it take a strike by the taxpayer to show the unions and public employees that they have had enough?
The new poverty statistics show that 48.5 million people are now below the poverty line and yet the public sector is growing. Even now the President says his new jobs bill is to put more teachers and fire fighters to work. More public workers, who only pay taxes from the taxes they receive as pay.
I don't want to get rid of teachers and other public workers, they are necessary,but there has to be and end to the selfishness of these people who think it is okay to strike for more.
I know many good teachers and many of them are between a rock and a hard place because they want to do a great job with kids, but the unions tie their hands and they are afraid of losing their jobs if they speak up. so they are forced to go along with much of the problem.
Teachers need to go back to work or the parents need to take their kids out of school and home school. then the teachers won't have overcrowded classes and eventually they won't be needed at all.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Enough Is Enough

I received this in an email and I thought it was appropriate for this day. WE Have allowed illegals into our country to easily and some of those illegals were the terrorists of 9/11.

"My Grandfather watched as his friends died in WW I...
 My Father watched as his friends died in WW II and Korea ...
 I watched as my friends died in Vietnam ...
 None of them died for the Mexican Flag...
 Everyone died for the U.S. flag...
 In Texas , a student raised a Mexican flag on a school flag pole; another student took it down. 
Guess who was expelled...
 the kid who took it down. 
Kids in high school in California were sent home this year on Cinco de Mayo because they wore T-shirts with the   American flag printed on them. 
Enough is enough."

The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every American;
and every American needs to stand up for America .
We've bent over to appease the America-haters long enough...
 I'm taking a stand...
 I'm standing up because the hundreds of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the U.S. flag can't stand up...
 And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message...
 Let me make this perfectly clear!

 And, because I make This statement
Mean I'm against immigration!!!
To come through legally:
 1. Get a sponsor!
2. Get a place to lay your head!
3. Get a job!
4. Live By OUR Rules!
5. Pay YOUR Taxes!
6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants
have in the past!!!
7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime
savings of Social Security Funds to you. 

 If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,
 When will AMERICANS STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS???
We've gone so far the other way...
bent over backwards not to offend anyone...
But it seems no one cares about the  AMERICAN CITIZEN that's being offended!
WAKE UP America !!! 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Obama's Union Leadership

This is a story from the National Right to Work Committee. It is very obvious the level of destruction this administration, under President Obama, Unions are willing to pursue.
Unfortunately, many people will be fearful of these thugs and sign to avoid the harassment and pain of Thuggery. How far will our nation plunge before we look up again and see the light of day?

Picture a local "Mom and Pop" store in your area.

The business is a staple of the community. The owners know every customer's name. The employees love their jobs.

The company has never broken the law. It's never even been charged.

None of this matters to President Barack Obama's National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

The NLRB -- far exceeding its authority -- is now forcing its way into private-sector workplaces nationwide, even if workers don't want to labor under union-boss control and if the company has never been accused of an "unfair labor practice."

Mom and Pop shops, small businesses, larger companies -- even some religiously-affiliated organizations -- are now under the Obama Labor Board's microscope.

The NLRB implemented a new rule this week to require as many as SIX MILLION private-sector employers to post biased notices about the National Labor Relations Act that effectively serve as a roadmap to unionization.

After the outrageous complaint against Boeing and the proposed ambush elections scheme, this latest Obama Labor Board move may be its most pernicious yet.

You see, the NLRB has two chief functions.

First, it administers union certification and decertification elections. Second, it adjudicates cases when workers, employers, or union officials file unfair labor practice charges against either unions or companies.

But now the NLRB has invented out of whole cloth a new unfair labor practice without Congressional approval. No other federal agency has ever made it unlawful to fail to post a notice that wasn't required by Congress

Any job provider that fails to post the biased notice could find itself forced into a lengthy and costly legal battle.

Mom and Pop can't afford that.

What makes the new rule even more troubling is that anyone can file the unfair labor practice charge -- not just the company's employees.
The new rule hands aggressive union organizers another weapon in so-called "corporate campaigns" in which they drag a business through the mud in the media with frivolous accusations of employer misconduct.

Union bosses only back off after the business agrees to throw its employees under the bus and let the union launch an abusive "card check" organizing campaign.

This "top-down" union organizing strategy frequently involves a team of union agents showing up at workers' homes and browbeating them with misleading statements, outright lies, and even intimidation until the worker agrees to sign a so-called "union authorization card" instead of a secret-ballot election.

Meanwhile, experts believe the NLRB is scheming to impose card check "neutrality agreements" on businesses found to have committed labor law violations.

Media reports in the Boeing case revealed that the NLRB's Acting General Counsel tried to force Boeing into a settlement to let union officials gain monopoly bargaining power over employees through card check.

This latest power grab is yet more evidence of its desperate desire to pay off Big Labor before the next election, and it's an invitation to Big Labor to run card check campaigns everywhere in America.
See more of this and other stories at the link above.